Friends Member Weeks 27.1.-9.2.
Welcome to enjoy Friends Member Weeks at Helsinki Outlet! We're pampering our members with amazing Friends member offers, special benefits, and fun activities. These fantastic deals are available exclusively to our members!
Take advantage of member offers easily in our app
Our app features exclusive coupon offers for our outlet stores and restaurants. Redeem the offers effortlessly by showing the app’s coupon at the checkout.
On the app’s Offers tab, you’ll find a variety of constantly updated coupon deals, and the Stores tab lets you conveniently browse offers and benefits from your favorite brands. Our membership program has three different levels, and you can easily see your membership tier at the top corner of the app.
Earn points from your purchases and visits
Collect more membership points by taking a photo of your receipt and uploading it to the app after your purchases. The more points you accumulate, the better offers and benefits you can access in the app! Additionally, membership points are automatically earned from your visits to Helsinki Outlet and your online store purchases.
Win gift cards – Join now!
Not a member yet? Now is the perfect time to join! During Member Weeks, all new members who register and download the app between January 27th and February 9th will automatically enter a prize draw. The prize includes two 100€ Helsinki Outlet gift cards! Winners will be contacted during week 11.
Important for Current Members
Are you already a member but haven’t downloaded the Helsinki Outlet Friends app yet? Download it now for free from your app store! With the updated terms, all members are required to re-register in the app. Use the same email address you originally registered with to retain your membership.
Join us for Member Weeks – see you at Helsinki Outlet!
You might like these Friends offers
Helly Hansen
Friends Offer: -10% off the total shopping amount. The offer is valid for all Friends members and can be used as many times as you like during the offer period. You can activate the benefit in the app. The offer is valid in store from January 27th to February 9th.
Friends Offer: An additional 10% discount on all products, even on already discounted outlet prices. The offer is valid in-store and online from January 27th to February 9th.
Friends Offer: An additional 20% discount on ski collection productss. The offer is valid in-store and online until February 9th.